turn up

The phrase 'turn up' is versatile, used in various contexts from arriving somewhere to increasing intensity.

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(informal)To arrive or appear at a place, often unexpectedly.


  • He turned up late to the meeting.
  • She always turns up when you least expect her.


(informal)To increase the volume, intensity, or level of something.


  • Can you turn up the music?
  • She turned up the heat because it was too cold.


(informal)To be found, especially by chance, after being lost.


  • The missing documents turned up in a drawer.
  • My keys turned up under the sofa.


(slang)To party energetically, often involving alcohol or drugs.


  • They turned up at the club last night.
  • We plan to turn up for the New Year's Eve celebration.

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(technical)To reveal a card by turning it face up.


  • He turned up the ace of spades.
  • The dealer turned up the next card in the deck.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "turn up":

show upturn outturn up the heatturnt upcome upturn onhot upamp upkick upcrank uprock upcome up tofetch uppull up onpipe upbob upchurn upturned outturn downgo upstep upcranked upshow outpitch upplay uppop outcome aroundante upsend uphop upjump uppull uppump upspring upturn tofire updrive uprise upspark upbig upturn inheat upnut uphit upblaze uplight uptrump upburst upbump uprise abovetune inpimp upturn override up on