turpentine tree
The term "turpentine tree" encompasses various species known for producing a resinous substance called turpentine, historically used in medicine and industry.
(common)A tree that produces turpentine, a resin used in paints, varnishes, and medicine.
- The turpentine tree is valued for its resin, which is used in various industrial applications.
(technical, academic)Any tree, especially from the genus Pistacia, that yields a resinous substance known as turpentine.
- The Pistacia terebinthus is a well-known turpentine tree native to the Mediterranean region.
C1Regional (Australia)
(regional)Various trees in Australia, such as Syncarpia glomulifera and Gardenia pyriformis, known for their aromatic or flammable resin.
- In eastern New South Wales, the Syncarpia glomulifera is commonly referred to as a turpentine tree.
C1Regional (Virgin Islands)
(regional)Bursera simaruba, a tree native to the tropical and subtropical Americas, known locally as the turpentine tree.
C1Regional (Africa)
(regional)Colophospermum mopane, a tree found in southern Africa, also referred to as a turpentine tree.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "turpentine tree":
white turpentinegum treecamphor treetea treelacquer treetallow treepine tarincense treetung treerubber treerain treecypress pinepeppermint treecandle treescrew pinegrass treepitch pineplane treeyew pineflame treetoothache treesuicide treeamber treetrumpet treetulip treetree wormblood treewater treetree cactus