urogenital duct
The 'urogenital duct' is integral to both urinary and reproductive systems, highlighting shared pathways in various species.
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C1Human Anatomy
(technical)A pathway in males that serves both urinary and reproductive functions, exemplified by the urethra.
- In males, the urethra functions as a urogenital duct.
C2Embryological Development
(technical)A duct in the embryo that develops into structures of the male reproductive system or regresses in females.
- The mesonephric duct is an early form of urogenital duct during development.
C1Non-Human Species
(technical)A duct in certain animals, such as frogs, that conveys both urine and reproductive cells.
- In male frogs, the urogenital duct opens into the cloaca.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "urogenital duct":