vacuum pack

"Vacuum pack" involves removing air from a container to extend the shelf life of its contents by preventing spoilage.

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B2Food Preservation

(common)To seal food in a package from which the air has been removed to keep it fresh longer.


  • We vacuum pack the cheese to make it last longer.

B2General Packaging

(common)A method of sealing items in an airtight package by removing the air to preserve the contents.


  • The company vacuum packs their products to ensure they stay in good condition during shipping.


(technical)A device that becomes rigid when air is removed, used to secure a wound.


  • The nurse used a vacuum pack to stabilize the wound.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "vacuum pack":

pack inpacking roompack awayflat packpack shitvacuum flaskvacuum cleanerbubble packpack uppamper packingvacuum posepack a punchpack a sad