vamp up
The term "vamp up" is versatile, often used to describe enhancement, creation, or improvisation.
(informal)To enhance or improve something by adding new elements or features.
- They vamped up the old website with a modern design.
(informal)To create or put together something quickly or improvisationally.
- She vamped up a meal from the leftovers in the fridge.
(technical)To play a short, repeated musical passage, often before a solo or between verses.
- The pianist vamped up a few chords before the singer started.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "vamp up":
amp upramp upsoup uppimp upsex uppump upjuice upamped upjazz upplay updo uphype upgen upcrank upbuff uphot upspruce upgussy upsharpen upspice upwork upgin upkick upperk uppolish upcharge uppower upliven upgas upheat upfire uptalk upplump upgear upgeed upspark upbooze uprark upfix upbuild upjazzed upjack upfight uptrump updone upbump upwhip upbaby vampcranked upskank upsparkle updrum uppimp outjuiced upup the antepumped uptool upmug upsugar uprev upbutch upcamp it upget it upstiff uphike uptart upcure upsauce uprub up ongee uptone upflame uptop upturn up the heatfluff uppuff uptighten updope upfatten uprub uprun upscare upfreshen upsimmer upcook upstep uphem upbrighten uptouch upspool updress upspike upwhore upshape up