walk away from

The phrase "walk away from" is often used to describe leaving, escaping, or emerging unscathed from various situations.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To leave or abandon something or someone abruptly.


  • She decided to walk away from her job to pursue her passion for art.

B2Accidents and Mishaps

(informal)To survive an accident or dangerous situation with little or no injury.


  • They were fortunate to walk away from the car crash with only minor scratches.


(informal)To easily outdo or defeat someone in a competition.


  • The team walked away from the match with a decisive victory.

C1Commitments and Agreements

(formal)To withdraw from a commitment or agreement.


  • The company chose to walk away from the merger due to unforeseen financial issues.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "walk away from":

walk awaywalk away withback awaymove awayturn awaywalk offget awaydraw awaywalk outpull awaycome awaymake awayrun awaygo awaydrive awaybreak awaypush awaywork awaykeep away fromwalk off withfall awaystep asiderun away withturn one's backkeep awaystep offmove onback offpart waysleave behindfade awaywave awaystep backgoing awayget out ofstand asidewhere awaywalk backcart awaytake awayrun off onmake away withdrive offtake a walkleave overclear offslip awaymove outmove backturn asiderun offget away withmove alonggo their separate wayswalk overstand backwave offhead offmake offride offback outshrug offbear offstepping backwalk intorun off withcut and runthrow awayjump offget offstep outexit stage leftout of someone's waytear awaybat awaywhile awaybreak frompull outget outstep down