water hyacinth
The 'water hyacinth' is both admired for its beauty and notorious for its invasive nature, impacting ecosystems and waterways globally.
(technical, academic)A floating aquatic plant with thick, glossy leaves and purple flowers, belonging to the genus Pontederia (syn. Eichhornia).
- The water hyacinth is often seen in tropical water gardens.
B2Environmental Science
(technical, academic)An invasive plant species that spreads rapidly in freshwater bodies, blocking waterways and disrupting native ecosystems.
- Efforts to control the spread of water hyacinth have become a priority in many affected regions.
(informal, technical)A plant harvested for various uses, including crafts, bioenergy, and wastewater treatment, due to its rapid growth and abundance.
- Communities have started using water hyacinth to produce biofuel and handicrafts.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "water hyacinth":
wild hyacinthwater lilywater hyssopwater fernwater cabbagewhite water lilywater willowyellow waterlilywater spinachwater plantwater yam