water ice

The term "water ice" can refer to both a natural solid form of water and a type of frozen dessert, depending on the context.

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(technical)The solid state of water, formed when liquid water freezes at or below 0°C (32°F).


  • Glaciers are composed of water ice that has accumulated over centuries.


(regional, informal)A frozen dessert made from water, sugar, and flavoring, similar to sorbet but without dairy.


  • On a hot summer day, nothing beats a refreshing lemon water ice.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "water ice":

blue icenitrogen icelight watersolid hydrogenfirst waterartificial iceice fountainwater vaporplain waterice fieldon iceice dropice queenice upice bluewater canice dwarfice cubeservice watermake waterhot watertable waterstill waterwater glassice blondeice packice wagonwater cellliquid oxygenice giantice floe