water lily

"Water lilies" are aquatic plants known for their floating leaves and vibrant flowers, often found in freshwater habitats around the world.

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B2Aquatic Plants

(general)A type of plant that grows in freshwater, featuring large, round leaves that float on the surface and showy flowers that bloom above the water.


  • The water lily's bright flowers added a splash of color to the pond.
  • Water lilies can often be seen in garden pools and natural lakes.


(technical)A member of the Nymphaeaceae family, characterized by its tuberous roots, floating leaves, and fragrant flowers.


  • Botanists study the water lily to understand its rapid growth and ecological impact.
  • The water lily's leaves provide shelter for aquatic wildlife.


(symbolic)A plant symbolizing resurrection and enlightenment in various cultures, due to its habit of closing at night and reopening in the morning.


  • In Buddhism, the water lily represents spiritual rebirth and purity.
  • The water lily is often depicted in art as a symbol of wisdom and growth.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "water lily":

white water lilyyellow waterlilybutterfly lilyswamp lilyblue lotuswater willowfire lilywater hyacinthwater ferncalla lilydesert lilywater nymphwater snailblood lilywater plantkaffir lilystraw lilyleopard lilywater yamwater tree