water willow
The term 'water willow' refers to certain aquatic or semi-aquatic plants with willow-like leaves, commonly found in wetland areas.
(scientific)A plant from the genus Justicia, found in the Americas, with long, willow-like leaves and small purplish flowers.
- The water willow thrives in the shallow waters of the lake, adding a touch of purple with its flowers.
(scientific)A flowering plant known as Decodon verticillatus, characterized by its willow-like appearance and preference for marshy environments.
- Decodon verticillatus, commonly known as water willow, is often found in marshes and wetlands.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "water willow":
water beechwater lilyyellow waterlilywater fernwhite water lilyweeping willowdesert willowwater birchwater shrewwater hyacinthwater treewater adderbasket willowwater meadowleast willowwater spinachwater hyssopwater canwater plantwater caltropswamp waterflower waterswamp lilywater snailwidgeon grassstill waterswamp oakwater allergywater cabbage