whip snake
The term 'whip snake' refers to various slender, fast-moving snakes found in different parts of the world, known for their agility and whip-like appearance.
(technical)A slender, fast-moving snake typically found in warm regions, known for its agility and whip-like body.
- The whip snake darted quickly through the grass, barely visible due to its speed.
(technical)Any of various slender snakes from genera such as Ahaetulla, Demansia, Hemorrhois, Hierophis, Masticophis, and others, found in regions including Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas.
- Researchers observed a whip snake of the genus Masticophis in its natural habitat.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "whip snake":
green snakewhip insand snakewater snakebrown snakesnake vinewhip the catsnake outsea snakegrass snakeharlequin snakerock snakecarpet snakesnake's headsnake eyesthunder snakesnake dancecoral snakesand viperhorned viperhoop snakesnow snakesnake cactussnake beandeath adderwhip handhorned addersnake pithognose snakesea adder