wood engraving

"Wood engraving" is a detailed printmaking technique that utilizes the end grain of hardwood for intricate designs, popular in the 19th century for high-quality prints.

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(technical, artistic)A technique where an artist carves a design into the end grain of a hardwood block, inks it, and presses it onto paper to create a detailed print.


  • The artist used wood engraving to produce a highly detailed illustration for the book.
  • Wood engraving allows for finer details compared to other woodcut methods.


(technical, artistic)The process of creating designs on a wooden surface by carving, often used for printing illustrations or text.


  • She mastered the art of wood engraving during her time at the academy.
  • Wood engraving requires precision and skill to achieve intricate details.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "wood engraving":

wood carvingline engravingwood antblock printing