work up

The phrase 'work up' is versatile, used in various contexts to describe developing, increasing, or arousing something through effort.

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(common)To develop or improve something through effort.


  • She went for a run to work up an appetite.
  • He worked up his presentation over the weekend.


(common)To gradually increase the intensity or level of something.


  • The team worked up to full speed as the deadline approached.
  • The suspense in the movie works up to a thrilling climax.


(common)To cause someone to feel strong emotions.


  • She worked herself up into a state of anxiety.
  • Don't work yourself up over something so trivial.


(technical)To conduct a comprehensive medical examination and assessment.


  • The doctor decided to work up the patient to diagnose the issue.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "work up":

build upwork one's way upgen upwork outcook upramp upwhip uprun upamp upgin upwork throughwork onwarm upplay upwork offcure upget it upkick upwrite upvamp uptone uphot upgee updo uppump upcrank upmove upgear upfight updrum uptool upheat upcome upshape updraw upfit upstep upwind upwork overrub upbuff upfirm upwork itwork inread upwork awayfix uppolish uptrump uppluck upgo upsharpen upbrew upstew uphike upboil uprark upjack upcrease upknock upfire updoctor upamped upstir upchurn upgeed upget uptalk upbulk upscare uphype upmuscled upget up intighten upsteam upgrind uppower uprub up oncharge uphead upscale upmuscle upbrace uphem upmug upwarming upheap uplimber upgun upcome up toput in the workhack upsex upbrush upjoke upsoup upcome up withbear upbowl upstiff uptake upsize upoil uplevel uppush upon the upjerk upbull upperk upset upsend upconnect uprake upsit upset to workrise updrill upflex upgather strengthjump upspin upsimmer up